G. Any local ANA member in good standing may affiliate with any other squadron, but shall forgo any voting rights or
privileges with this squadron, but will always be welcome at squadron events.
B. In addition to such powers as are specifically conferred upon the squadron board by these by-Laws, the board shall
be responsible for the general management of the affairs of the squadron and may make such rules and regulations as it deems
advisable. The secretary, along with maintaining minutes of the board proceedings, shall provide a written report of its activities,
available to the membership.
C. The board shall meet each year-end, or at other times as necessary, to select one
or more worthwhile charities or charity, of their choosing. To these would be donated any excess funds beyond the reasonable
needs of the squadron.
ARTICLE VI: Delegates to the National Convention
The number of delegates to the ANA national convention shall be the number assigned by the squadron board and the
squadron delegation shall be led by the president.
ARTICLE VII. Committees
The squadron board will establish the standing committees it deems necessary for the proper conduct of the squadron
functions. The duties of each committee shall be presented in writing by the president.
ARTICLE VIII: Amendments to these By-Laws
Squadron By-Laws may be amended by the squadron by the vote of two thirds majority of the members casting votes,
provided that the notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given by the secretary to such members at least ten days
before the meeting.
ARTICLE IX: Classes of Membership
PLANK OWNERS: All persons who are fully paid members of the National Association on 19 SEP 2001 shall be deemed to
be founders of ANA Squadron No. 62, McCampbell's Aces and hold the additional title of "Plank Owner". To be considered
a "Regular Member" they must pay the dues for that class or which ever other class they select to belong, and their choice
of National dues.
A. REGULAR: All persons joining the squadron after 19 SEPT 2001 shall be regular members upon the payment
of National and Local dues. Regular Members may vote at all squadron elections and meetings and hold a squadron office. They
may attend all squadron functions with guests, may purchase and wear appropriate squadron attire, and receive all squadron
publications. WIVES: shall have the same status as their husbands except the right to vote, unless voting in
behalf of their spouse, and holding a valid proxy to that affect. (Last sentence, formerly "D".)
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B. DISTANT: Members living 100 miles away from the squadron office may elect to be "Distant" members upon
the payment of National and Local dues for this class. Distant members shall be considered interested in the affairs of the
squadron. They may transfer to Regular or Life Member status at any time upon the payment of the appropriate dues. They are
invited to attend all squadron events, may purchase and wear appropriate squadron attire, and receive all squadron publications.
C. LIFE MEMBERS: shall be a membership issued in the name of, and for the lifetime of an individual. Squadron
Life members need not be a Life member of the national association, but must pay National dues, as well as paying the one
time local dues of this class. They shall be considered "Regular Members", and shall be entitled to all the rights and
privileges of that class of membership, including the right to vote and hold a squadron office.
D. ACTIVE DUTY; Squadron members recalled to active duty from a reserve status for a minimum of six months,
may elect to be classed on "Active Duty",and pay no dues while in this class. They must transfer to Regular or Life Member
status at the time they are released from active duty or become regular active members of their service. They are invited
to attend all squadron events, may purchase and wear appropriate squadron attire, and receive all squadron publications.
E. FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: A couple may apply for "Family Membership" by paying twice the dues of the class
of membership they select in the "Regular" or "Life" categories, and shall then receive all the rights and privileges of that
class which includes the right for each to vote and hold a squadron office. They must also pay National dues.
F. EMERITUS STATUS: Squadron Members reaching 85 years of age may apply to the board of directors for
Emeritus Status. Emeritus Members are invited to attend all squadron events, may purchase and wear appropriate squadron attire,
and receive all squadron publications, may vote, but may not hold a squadron office. Emeritus members are not required to
pay local dues.
ARTICLE IX (A): Classes of Membership DUES
1. DUES: Annual Local Dues will be assessed as deemed necessary by the squadron board upon approval by
a majority of the membership casting their votes at an annual or other general membership meeting. They will be billed in
January of each year. New members who join after November 1, shall be credited with dues paid through December 31 of the following
2. FAILURE TO PAY DUES: A membership may be terminated, by action of the board of directors, for failure
to pay the required dues within sixty (60) days of the due date. Unless seriously ill, dues not paid within 90 days of the
due date shall result in automatic loss of membership.
A. REGULAR: Currently $15.00 annually
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B. DISTANT: 50% of Regular Dues
-60 - $285
61 - 64 200
65 - 69 150
70 - 79 100
80 + 60
E. FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: Two times Regular dues
F. EMERITUS STATUS: No dues required.
Is the squadrons newsletter that is available on the web site at http:boatcoach.tripod.com. It is used to inform
members of news of general interest, act as a clearing house of current NAVAIR information, and as a source of generating
reader interest in the Navy, and the Association of Naval Aviation.
The president shall have the responsibility of supervising the content and publication of FLIGHT LINE which he may
delegate to others as appropriate.
The Board of Directors recognizes the contribution of its members to the squadron, by issuing awards for outstanding
service to it, it's members or the Naval Aviation Community. To date the following awards have been authorized:
A. Squadron Support Award. An Annual award to the person or persons who contributed the most in the preceding year.
First given in JAN 2000 and 2001 to Ron and Dorie Kennedy for hosting the Annual Gala. To Swoose Snead in 2002, To Dorie Kennedy
and Julie Jacobs in 2003.
B. Squadron Name Award. presented to John Magnon for submitting the squadron name,JAN 2001.
C. Mystery Plane Award. A Quarterly Award, First given to RADM Bill Moffit, and CAPT Hank Gorman, JAN 2001, John
Magnon in 2002 and Grand Champion Award to Buck Buchanan in 2002. None awarded in 2003.
D. FLIGHT LINE Article award for best member submission
E. FLIGHT LINE Article Award for best non-member submission
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F. MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT AWARD to the member who signs up the most newbies in the squadron's fiscal year.
First presented to Joel Jacobs, JAN 2001, and in 2002.
G. OTHER APPROPRIATE AWARDS: may be given to acknowledge outstanding contribution to the squadron by its members.
A. Donations: The Board of Directors is authorized to solicit contributions to fund the squadron's operations and
make constitutions to other exempt organizations from members, companies, and other potential sources. The treasurer shall
be the receiver of funds and shallestablish a separate account to collect and disburse them using generally accepted accounting
principals and standards.
Also see ARTICLE XV.
B. Re-Sale Items: The Board of Directors is authorized to purchase items of interest to squadron members, serving
Naval Officers, interested persons, and the general public. Items such as polo shirts, squadron patches, special souvenirs,
all to be marked or embroidered with a McCampbell's Aces identification mark, are to be used to raise funds for the squadron's
C. GALA: The board of directors at its discretion may approve the inviting guests of its members, to the squadron's
annual GALA for a fee. For example, each member may be authorized to invite one couple at a cost of $20.00 each, or $40.00
total , or such as other amount as may be deemed appropriate by them under the then existing circumstances.
D: ACCOUNTING: The treasurer shall establish a separate account to collect and disburse funds from these activities
using generally accepted accounting principals and standards.
E. FISCAL YEAR: The squadron's fiscal year shall be the calendar year, beginning 1 JAN and ending on 31 DEC.
The Board of Directors is authorized, when deemed appropriate, to establish a Women's Auxiliary to foster the mission,
goals and objectives, and to otherwise assist in squadron activities.
The duration of the squadron shall be perpetual or until dissolved in accordance with law. In the event the squadron
becomes inactive, ceases operations, and the board of directors decides to dissolve the corporation, assets shall be distributed
for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the
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corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal
government, or to
a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent
Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes
or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for
such purposes.
One of the recipients of these funds may be the National Aviation Foundation, Alexandria, VA, if its status qualifies
within the meaning of a tax exempt organization under Section 501(C) 3. If not, a suitable charitable organization shall be
designated the beneficiary. The donation shall be made in the name of all squadron members, past and present.
1. The board of directors, using their best judgment, is hereby authorized to take whatever action is necessary to
obtain "TAX EXEMPT" status under whatever sub-section of Section 501 of the Internal Revenue code, that is most desirable
in the circumstance so long as the squadron is qualified as TAX EXEMPT.
Consequently, the board of directors is authorized to add, modify, amend or delete any article in the preceding By-LAWS
which is inconsistent with this objective in order to comply with the rules and regulations governing the conduct of the affairs
of the Tax Exempt Corporation which receives tax deductible contributions under Section 501 (C) 3.
2. Therefore, no part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to
its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to
pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set
forth in Article II hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda,
or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including
the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public
office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not
permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible
under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
3. Furthermore, the board is authorized to file ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION with the State of its choosing consistent
with these BY-LAWS.
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ORGANIZATIONS WITH A NAVAL AVIATION AFFILIATION one of which may be the Naval Aviation Foundation, Alexandria, VA.
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