Dianne Gosselin,
born in Detroit and raised just north of there in Berkley, Michigan, received her R.N. Degree from Mercy School of Nursing
of Detroit. There she met and married her husband, Arthur, who became a cardiologist. His appointment as Director
of the CardioVascular Lab at the Miami Heart Institute brought them to Miami in 1966. In 1995, they moved to Palm Beach
Gardens. Dianne has four children: Denise who is a C.R.N.P., Brenda, a professional recruiter, Mark, a PhD
in Coastal and Ocean Engineering, and Dave, also an engineer, does computer programming and also personal training.
Mark had received a Navy scholarship for his graduate school work. She also has four grandchildren.
While in Miami, Dianne did volunteer work for the Am. Heart
Assn., was a volunteer school nurse, and also a Cadette Girl Scout Leader for six years.. After moving to Palm Beach
County, she still woorks on the A.H.A. campaign, and volunteers for the Children,s Golf Foundation teaching handicapped
children to golf.
Although she had four uncles and a brother in the Navy, and
another uncle who was a priest-pilot and was in the Navy and Marines, Navy lingo is relatively new to Dianne. She met
C.M.C. Mike Welby almost three years ago, and his passion for his 44 years of service sparked her interest in all things
On January 17, 2003, Dinanne, by a unanimous vote of the members
present at the annual meeting, was elected squadron secretary suceeding Mariann Watkins.