Admiral "P.D." Smith, Jackie Hayes, Sue Henderson, (Julie Jacobs, visitor), Captain "Zip" Rassau, , are the four crew members that keep ANA Flying High!
McCampbell's Aces Julie Jacobs, second from right, visiting from Jupiter, FL. |
RADM P.D. Smith, USN (Ret) ANA's new president flys the left seat exercising control over the whole operation as ANA's president and chief executive officer. He conducts liaision with senior active duty officers (the leaders of Naval Aviation) keeping his pulse on key issues and ensures that ANA, fully and continuously, supports the active duty NAVY. Admiral Smith communicates with ANA squadron COs, visits as many squadrons as feasible; spearheads all recruiting efforts and is THE spokesman for ANA.

CAPT "Zip" Rassau, USNR (Ret) a reknown author on Naval Aviation topics, in hardcover and soft, is the editor of "Wings of Gold", and is in charge or all facets of the magazine, and any special publications ANA may produce. He is also the awards officer for the organization. "Zip" coordinates the presentation of all ten ANA, Naval Air Reserve, Chief of Naval Air Training, and CNO awards at ANA's annual convention. This requiries close communication with the various industry sponsors of these awards 
Sue Henerson is ANA Headquarters' office manager, secretary to the president and treasurer of the organization. She is resonsible for all accounting data, audit preparation and tax preparation. A huge amount of her time is devoted to maintaining the the all important ANA data base which contains the list of all ANA members. Jackie Hayes is the receptionist, and clerical assitant to all members of the HQ staff. |

ONE MAN'S OPINION BELOW: Julie's husband Joel, photo taken at USNA, 1997 
I've worked closely with the ANA HQ staff over the last fifteen months on a wide range of topics. They've always been extremely helpful, thorough, with a sense of urgency in responding to my numerous inquiries or requests. They are all cross trained, so that if one is away from the office, the others can fill in without everything screeching to a halt. They do this with a pleasant lift to their voices which shows even temperaments, even when they are burdened with more important projects such as the Annual ANA Meeting. When they say, "We're here to serve you, they mean it". Most recently, I've had the opportunity to be with RADM P.D. Smith, in Annapolis, Alexandria and Tampa, and we've had a couple of phone chats as well. IMHO, he brings to the table the same "Can Do", no "BS" spirit with a well tuned focus on how he can help Naval Aviation and the people in his community. I'm sorry to say I also belong to a Naval Fraternal Organization where the leadership screen their telephone calls, don't respond to the messages, or answer their email, or fax messages either. They seem more interested in bragging about their self-importance rather than fixing things, or actually doing what their positions require, keeping their promises, or anything else of a worthwhile nature. Their excuse is that it's a volunteer org. It is true, "PEOPLE DO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE". Joel Jacobs, Editor-in-Chief |